Monday, March 22, 2010

Application - Cabin Drawings

Cabin Elevations

Cabin Volumetric 3D - Rear Exterior

Ground Floor (Scale 1:100)

First Level (Scale 1:100)

Section A

North Elevation (Scale 1:100)

Site Plan (Scale 1:200)

Image set can be found online Flickr @

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Application - Formal Analysis

Formal Analysis Diagrams
Delight - a House is a delightful experience

Development of Bubble Diagram
This diagram has taken the ideas from the first bubble/zoning diagram and extended further to include huan movement (green arrows), sun rays (red arrows), Summer and Winter rainfall (storm clouds + direction of rain indicted by arrow, views from the property (dark blue arrows) and possible neighbour boundaries (black base lines).

Further Development of diagram into plan
To allow for good ventilation and natural lighting and heating the design developed into a double story cabin. Also included in this diagram is summer and winter wind flow (wavy black lines).

Parti Diagram
The main showcase for this exemplar cabin is views from the lower and upper levels. The arrows indicate the direction of a view. The largest box represents the lower level while the thin rectangle represents the amenities; kitchen and bathroom. The middle box represents the upper floor (Studio).

Application - Site Analysis

Placement of Houses on Map

Climatic Site Analysis

Contour Map
Also shows directions of views from the houses.

Each house has been placed in a specific location to maximise the main themes of the house. The Samford house is on relatively plain land with the rear view facing the countryside. The Bamboo house is situated with the meditative space directly in the summer sun's path, with views to the countryside. The Balaam House most importantly blocks views from the West and with the slightly lower placement of the Bamboo House; privacy has been bolstered. The Exemplar Cabin also has the ideals of the Balaam House instilled into the design. The front is the only part viewable by the public; including neighbours, as the house is built futher out on the hillside. This also maximises views from the bedroom to the falls, the kitchen to the countryside and the living room to the city. Further the private studio on the top level has views to all the main features of the Urban Utopia.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Application - Spatial Analysis

Spatial Analysis Diagrams
Commodity - a House is a Container of Human Activities

Matrix Diagram

Bubble Diagram
This Diagram also shows the beginning of zoning within the cabin. The rooms circled in blue hidden pen-work represents the private and the brown pen-work represents the public.

Application - Logical Analysis

Logical Analysis Diagrams
Firmness - a House is an Environmental Filter

Aerial View

Perspective View

Application - Logical Analysis

Logical Analysis Diagrams
Firmness - a House is an Environmental Filter

Aerial View

Perspective View

Application - Logical Analysis

Logical Analysis Diagrams
Firmness - a House is an Environmental Filter
Wind Patterns

January through February

June through July

August through December

Application - Logical Analysis

Logical Analysis Diagrams
Firmness - a House is an Environmental Filter
Site Opportunity

Views Through and From the Site

Views into the Site

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Analysis - Exemplar Balaam House Drawings

My Sketches of the Balaam House

Volumetric 3D Sketch

Second Floor

First Floor

Ground Floor

Site Plan

Rear Elevation

Section A and B